BIK隶属于德国Theta Grunhaus GmbH,公司位于德国柏林附近的Frankfurt(Oder),专业研发生产管道,提供 PE-RT管道、PEX管道以及PB管道。多年来,Theta Grunhaus GmbH一直专业从事给水、采暖和冷却系统等领域流体管道的开发与应用,长期坚持专研水力和热能的有效运输与利用。
Theta Grunhaus GmbH是现代塑料管道系统的先驱之一,公司产品的覆盖区域和市场占有率在全球同行业中处于领先地位。
Located in Frankfurt(Oder) near Berlin, Theta Grunhaus GmbH is a professional plastic pipe supplier providing PE-RT, PE-X and PB pipes. Overs years, Theta Grunhaus GmbH has been specialized in research and development of the pipes for water supply and drainage system, and thermal transportation. The company is one of the pioneers of plastic extrusion manufacturer its product line and the market share is in a leading position worldwide.